2016/17 2nd Term Award Presentation
At Preston, we reward and encourage excellence. We believe that every child is able to be the best he/she wants to be. We do not take positive efforts made by children lightly. We encourage them to excellence and ensure they realise that more is required to stay excellent.
Preston held last terms'(i.e. 2nd term 2016/17 session) award presentation on Friday, the 2nd of June 2017 to honour and reward those who have worked smartly to earn a prize.
Awards were presented to;
- Best students in each subject,
- 3.5 GPA and above,
- Overall best student in each year group,
- Behavioural awards to those who ended the term without any disciplinary record,
- Neatest class award per year group, and
- Best house award from academics, behavioural, competition points, sports and other relevant fields.
Aqua house came 1st with a total score of 4760points, Tornado house followed with 4650points while Shekinah house came 3rd with 4350points and Terra house cementing the 4th place with 3430points.
The event was graced by enthusiastic parents who were happy to be part of the notable occasion.
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